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Welcome to IFPA’s September Newsletter

Hello Autumn!


Can you believe that Autumn is here! Say goodbye to the leisure time we had in the summer and get ready for September, where new ideas and adaptations come forth. Things start to move at a faster pace and our “to do” list becomes longer during this period. Be gentle with your health – as we become more energetic, our muscles can be affected. Rosmarinus officinalis is the oil that comes to mind now. It’s an effective essential oil for mental stimulation, cleansing, and purification.

Blog by Christine Courtney

Hello September!

Autumn is one of my favourite times of the year, a season when nature’s transformation is nothing short of breathtaking. Across Ireland, the vibrant green landscapes gradually give way to a stunning palette of reds, yellows, and browns, as if the entire countryside is painted in warm, earthy hues.

As the days grow shorter and the nights longer, I love to make the comforting shift towards slower, more introspective
routines. So, I find this time perfect for indulging in extended,
aromatic baths that soothe both my body and my mind. 

Lately, I’ve embraced a new ritual of self-care that has become a cherished part of my daily routine. Instead of making an
aromatic blend for the bath, I’ve been exploring the benefits of using pure vegetable oils alone, through the Ayurvedic practice of Abhyanga, or self-massage.

Traditionally, Sesame oil is recommended, but I’ve found
Evening Primrose oil to be particularly nourishing and

During this 15-minute massage, I take the time to anoint my entire body from head to toe. And it has become a beautiful act of self-love. It’s incredibly relaxing and serves as a powerful
reminder to me of the importance of slowing down and taking care of myself in the midst of life’s busyness. It is also a lovely reminder of the power of healing in our vegetable oil!


Blend of the Month:

As we head back to work and summer is over we need to get back to concentrating on certain priorities, hence this concentration blend might just work well for September:

Do you have a particular challenge you would
like some help with?

In the next edition of In Essence we will be posing an anonymous question or challenge sent to us by an IFPA member. Our panel of aromatherapists will then offer their advice and ideas. Do you have a query you would like to pose to the panel? Or is there a challenge you need advice on? It could relate to any of the different aspects of your aromatherapy business, perhaps a tricky client issue, your aromatherapy career or anything else related to the world of aromatherapy. Your question/challenge will be passed (anonymously) to the panel. Please e-mail your questions to [email protected]

Sponsoring IFPA Approved School

For over 15 years, we have been sourcing the finest natural and organic herbs, botanicals and essential oils to handcraft beautiful skincare and aromatherapy products that care for your mind, body and wellbeing.

We are passionate and professional aromatherapists with a wealth of knowledge of understanding through research, teaching and practical application.

As an IFPA accredited school, we’re proud to play a part in improving the standards of education and practice in aromatherapy. We believe wholeheartedly in the principles and philosophies of holistic health, and the promotion of well-being for the individual.

Interested in learning new skills? We have developed a series of new CPD courses that can further expand your skills in aromatherapy and holistic wellbeing

We are delighted to be hosting a series of perfumery workshops with the wonderfully creative perfumer and clinical aromatherapist, Michele Riveroll.
These workshops are suitable for people who love fragrance and have some experience blending essential oils and consciously use their sense of smell. You will create a fragrance yourself, having the opportunity to work with natural materials, organic essential oils and botanicals, and smell for yourself the different creative possibilities each offers. If you’d like to find out more, please contact us at www.thearomatherapycompany.com

Prickly Pear Seed Oil by Nicole Bou Khalil

Prickly Pear, or Opuntia ficus indica is a cactus that grows abundantly around the Mediterranean basin. This precious and rare oil is obtained by cold pressing the seeds of the plant. Extraction yields are very low, hence its very high cost.

The yellow-green oil is rich in antioxidant compounds such as Vitamin E, Omega-6, and delta-7 stigmasterol, the latter being a rare component in the plant world. These sterols aid in skin regeneration and maintain suppleness, promoting healing for chapped skin and scars. The high Omega-6 content (around 55%) further supports the skin’s natural repair process.

Prickly pear is a powerful anti-ageing oil, with firming and regenerating action. It is an exceptional oil for mature and loose skin. An excellent emollient, it also softens and protects the skin from dehydration. It is very effective for chapped and flaky skin. Prickly pear oil has a dry feel and is fast absorbed. It can be mixed with other less expensive plant oils to create anti-ageing serums, firming face masks, eye and bust skincare.

This rare oil should not be confused with prickly pear oil macerate, which is less expensive and less active. 

Serenity & Relaxation

The healing power of music.

Pat Herbert talks to composer John Levine whose Alphamusic is used to enhance practice by many complementary practitioners, including aromatherapists. In Essence Vol.8 No 3 Winter 2009.

Music calms the savage soul and what better way to relax than by using music and aromatherapy.

John has spent over two decades researching, exploring brain function (how our brain responds to sound, especially music), mediation techniques, and music’s potential to improve mental and physical well-being. This article is extremely educational and so interesting.

This article, and many more, is available to members through the In Essence archive in the members’ area of the IFPA website. To find out how to become a member and what benefits you gain click here.