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Welcome to our July Newsletter

This month’s theme is mindfulness and how we can utilise the power of essential oils to gain that amazing feeling of calm and stillness; how we can incorporate aromatherapy with meditation and yoga, becoming aware of who we are and observe oneness with each other, connecting to the vibration of the universe.


Welcome to July, a month filled with the warmth and vibrancy of summer. With longer, brighter days, it’s easy to pack our schedules with activities, often leaving little room for relaxation and reflection. To maintain balance, it’s essential to integrate mindful moments into our daily routines. Mindfulness is a powerful practice for reducing stress and enhancing our well-being, and it doesn’t always require a lengthy meditation session. Research shows that “micro moments of mindfulness” can be equally beneficial. 

Here are some simple yet effective ways I incorporate mindfulness into my day: At the start of each week, I create a blend for my
personal inhaler and place it on my desk where I can see it.
Throughout the day, I stop, close my eyes, and inhale softly,
savouring the evolving aroma. This small act repeated throughout the day grounds me and provides a refreshing pause in a busy schedule.

Also, during my daily walks, I take the time to engage with those you meet. I make eye contact, smile, and say hello. These brief
interactions foster a sense of community and presence, turning an ordinary walk into a mindful practice.

By integrating these micro moments into my routine, I can enjoy the beauty of summer while maintaining a sense of calm and balance. Enjoy the season and remember to take time for yourself, even in small ways.
Balance is harder to achieve in life than it is in our blends but is very important. Knowing when rest is better than stillness or action is better than inaction can be difficult. But for me my balance is always better when I start it by creating my balance blend of the day.

How do you find balance and harmony in your day?

Myth: It doesn’t matter which
Eucalyptus essential oil you use

Eucalyptus is a genus of the Myrtaceae family with around 700
species, most of which are native to Australia.[1].  Eucalyptus is one of the most popular essential oils because of its aromatic and
medicinal properties. A variety of products from drops to balms can be found worldwide.

Obviously, there are similarities in the many eucalyptus varieties, but in general eucalyptus is praised for its ability to –

  • Alleviate respiratory problems.
  • Fight inflammation.
  • Support healthy skincare.
  • Promote the immune system response.
  • Stop irritation from insects.
  • And less commonly known – to comfort sore,tired and aching muscles and joints.

So, how do you choose which species to use?

The different species have varying chemical compositions and, therefore, different scent and therapeutic properties.  Choosing the right species is not only important to achieve the desired effects for body and mind, but some species may have potential side effects or contraindications to be aware of to ensure safety and efficacy.

By simply looking at the main chemical compound we may answer the myth.  The oxide 1,8 cineole is the primary component to examine when it comes to safety considerations.  For instance, the most popular species Eucalyptus globulus, contains 60-75%.  Eucalyptus dives with the main component Piperitone, has less 1,8-cineole and is said to be a safer choice.  The main component in Eucalyptus citriodora is citronellal.  Which one should be chosen depends on the purpose.  There are too many differences to list in this short text, but it does matter which eucalyptus essential oil you use.

There is an ongoing discussion about children and the safe use of eucalyptus essential oil.  (Shutes,2023) [2].  Some say to use it whenever you like, and others say that it should be avoided until the age of 10 years.  In fact, the truth is somewhere in between.  Tisserand and Young (2014) write:

  • Do not instill eucalyptus or 1,8 cineole-rich essential oils into the nose of infants or young children.
  • Do not apply 1,8 cineole or cineole-rich essential oils to the face of children under the age of 10.
www.tisserandinstitute.org has an update on children and inhalation safety. [3]. Eucalyptus essential oil is known worldwide and praised for a reason.  It’s definitely worth the effort to dive deeper and learn more about the different species.


[1] Eucalyptus. (2023, July 24). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved May 17, 2024, from 


[2] Shutes, J. (2023, March 13). Is eucalyptus essential oil safe for children? | Aromatic studies. The School of Aromatic Studies. https://aromaticstudies.com/is-eucalyptus-safe-for-children/

[3] Peppermint and eucalyptus for children. (2021, April 9). Tisserand Institute. https://tisserandinstitute.org/learn-more/kids-inhalation-safety/

Chemical composition of 8 eucalyptus species’ essential oils and the evaluation of their antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral activities. (n.d.). PubMed Central (PMC). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3475086/

Malaysia, O. (2022, November 18). Eucalyptus essential oil series guide: Different varieties, benefits, usage, and more! Oshadhi Malaysia.  https://oshadhi.my/eucalyptus-essential-oil/

Eucalyptus oil benefits and uses – Compare 4 different varieties. (2018, March 4). Morgans Apothecary.  https://morgansapothecary.com/blogs/learn/eucalyptus-oil-benefits-and-uses-compare-4-differet-varieties

Eucalyptus oil benefits and uses – For pain relief and skin care.  (n.d.).  Pure Essential Oils Supplier | New Directions Aromatics.  https://www.newdirectionsaromatics.com/blog/products/all-about-eucalyptus-oil.html

Even though this article was written for the Spring issue it reflects the harmony of change and tranquillity. July is a month of coming out of one’s shell and enjoying a warmer glow. Barbara talks about rejuvenating hair, nails and skin using Calendula officinalis, which is excellent for the skin, along with Lavandula angustifolia, Melissa officinalis, Hyssopus officinalis, Mentha x piperita, Mentha spicata, Origanum marjorana, Salvia sclarea, Thymus vulgaris, and Rosmarinus officinalis. It is a wonderful article written back in 2008 but fits into the theme even now. 

This article and many more are available through the In Essence journal archive in the members’ area of the IFPA website.  For non-members, click here to find out how to become a member and what benefits you will gain.

Latin Name: Vitis vinifera

Source of the oil:  Pressed seeds of grapes 

Brief composition and benefits: The oil is very high in Linoleic acid and due to the presence of tannins, is fast absorbed. It is also rich in Vitamin E and pro-anthocyanidins, which are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and improves the skin’s elasticity and softness. It is beneficial for mature and damaged skin, oily and combination skin. Grape seed oil is also an ideal ingredient for nourishing the hair fibre. It is often used in massage.

Airmid Institute and Roi Farm unite in Crete, Greece!

Join us on the breathtaking island of Crete, a renowned biodiversity hotspot with an extraordinary array of endemic and native medicinal plant species. This special event brings together experienced lecturers and special guests including a unique opportunity to engage with Crete’s rich botanical resources through lectures and hands-on activities

Led by experts in permaculture, clinical aromatherapy, and sustainability, Kurt Michael Arruda, Silvia Jimenez Catala, Anna Papazoglou, Dr. Jacqui Stringer, and Dr. Kelly Ablard, highlight permaculture and sustainable harvesting, Cretan essential oils and hydrolats, practical applications of Greek medicinal and aromatic plants in clinical and home care, the role of chemotypes in our environment and practice, a Crete meet and greet with distiller Ildiko Berecz, a special roundtable on the olive tree, and a guided meditation and chair yoga led by Roi Farm owner and yoga teacher, Jenny Charlton.

This unforgettable event not only offers a wealth of learning opportunities but also fosters a deep connection with Crete’s natural and cultural heritage, ensuring participants leave with both knowledge and memorable experiences. Don’t miss this unique chance to explore one of the world’s most significant biodiversity hotspots and apply these insights in a practical and impactful manner! 

Read more about this event by visiting https://airmidinstitute.org/study-abroad/ or email info@airmidinstitute.org