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We are pleased to announce that we will hold the first part of the IFPA conference in Tokyo、which was unfortunately cancelled due to the spread of Corona in March on internet.
Two speakers from the UK and three from Japan will share their most recent activities and research that can open new doors for aromatherapy.
These five presentations are viewable from wherever you are for two weeks, in English and in Japanese (you need an internet connection for viewing YouTube).
£35 for IFPA Members
£40 for the general public
The presentations will be available from 10:00 AM, August 17th to 12:00 PM August 31st .
Each presentation will be available in both English and Japanese.
How to Subscribe
step 1
Click the Icon for the IFPAroma 2020 Internet conference. At the next page, select either £35 for members and £40 for non-members.
step 2
Please pay the fee by credit card or PayPal.
step 3
We will send you the URL of the viewing page and the login password by e-mail one week before the event.
step 4
Please open the viewing page at any time during the viewing period* and enter your password.
step 5
The viewing page will open. Click on the speaker’s button for the language you want to hear in. The YouTube video will then start.
* You can log in and watch as many times as you like during the viewing period.
The Conference Theme
Even in a society where artificial intelligence and digitization are rapidly advancing, human beings are still part of nature, and people who practice aromatherapy have experienced that smell and touch can sometimes give people who are mentally and physically vulnerable and weak a greater “energy to live” than anything else. The Conference is a great forum where experts both from Japan and the world will share their experience and research which reveals the new potential of essential oils in healthcare and community with you.
Our Conference Speakers

Kentaro Oba (Ph.D)
Exploring The Benefits Of Reminiscence Evoked By Nostalgic Smells
Join Kentara Oba for a fascinating insight into how odor perception can directly affect the brain as part of therapies to restore the memory functions, lift the mood and improve general feelings of health and wellbeing. He will explain the known mechanisms behind the beneficial effects of odour on brain performance and introduce his latest scientific study decoding the neural mechanisms of reminiscence using nostalgic scents.
Kentaro Oba is an Assistant Professor of Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer in Tohoku University (Ph.D.). He is a cognitive neuroscientist who specializes in functional MRI technique. He was motivated to study the experience of “nostalgia” based on olfactory triggers caused by scent. Recently, he has started to explore the neural correlates of reminiscence evoked by nostalgic odor. He especially focuses on benefits such as mood improvements and increase in optimism by remembering past experiences and tries to unveil its neural correlates.
It has been shown that feeling nostalgic has positive benefits, such as increasing mood, self-esteem, sense of social connectedness, optimism and meaning in life. In the clinical settings, nostalgia is regarded as an important factor for the reminiscence therapy intended to relieve the peripheral symptoms of dementia. Although in most cases audio-visual stimuli such as music and photographs are used as a cue of remembering, some studies have reported the effectiveness of incorporating nostalgic odor in the reminiscence therapy. However, the mechanisms of how odor has a restorative effect on brain performance are still subject to scientific review. During this fascinating lecture you will review the neural mechanisms of odor perception and autobiographical memory retrieval revealed by functional MRI and be introduced to the recent study decoding the neural mechanisms of reminiscence using nostalgic scents.

Dr Tadaaki Satou
The Effect On The Brain And Body When Essential Oils Are Inhaled
Join Dr Satou to learn about the challenges and the progress of proving the efficacy of essential oils. He will introduce you to the fascinating science of essential oils in terms of their neurological transmission and their path through pharmacological transmission and their proven impact. Like all of us in the aromatherapy profession Dr Satou is committed to promoting scientific research at the highest level in order for aromatherapy to play a key part in medical health and healing in the future.
Tadaaki Satou is one of the leading Japanese researchers on the effects of essential oils on the brain. Doctor of Pharmacy and Associate Professor of International University of Health and Welfare, his recent published research included the effect of inhalation of essential oil from Rosmarinus officinalis on scopolamine-induced Alzheimer’s type dementia model. He has also studied the effects of essential oil from Thymus vulgaris on stress related symptoms and also fatigue. This is just a small selection of his expert published research papers.
Aromatherapy is used in a very wide range of therapeutic applications. The results are evaluated on the basis of reported outcomes. However, if our profession is to be further integrated into the mainstream healing professions then more scientific evaluation is an urgent requirement and that is at the heart of Dr Satou’s work and the theme of this fascinating lecture. The barriers to scientific evaluation are: It is difficult to quantitatively control the essential oil because it is volatile and can differ significantly depending on batch, conditions of use and age. ·It is difficult to identify the mechanism of any outcome because there are two routes in terms of impact, i.e., a path through neurological transmission and a path through pharmacological transmission. i.e. mind or body or mind and body together. It is difficult to eliminate the placebo effect in clinical research. Dr Satou will share information with us in his lecture on how scientists like him overcome these complex problems in order to make progress. Like all of us in the aromatherapy profession Dr Satou is committed to promoting scientific research at the highest level in order for aromatherapy to play a key part in medical health and healing in the future.

Debra McAdam
Supporting Children And Young Peoples Mental Health With Alternative Therapies
Join Deborah for a unique insight into the power of interventions with complementary medicine in the Children and Young Peoples Mental Health sector. She will explain methods of engagement and share techniques used with essential oils. Deborah’s innovative approaches to essential oils, smell memory association and her inclusive approach to parental involvement are truly inspirational. Her work demonstrates that the power of aromatherapy can extend far beyond the treatment room.
Debra McAdam has been a qualified clinical Aromatherapist for over 20 years, the latter decade concentrating her work within the Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) sector. Debra has worked within the CAMH setting, both on an in-patient basis and within the community teams. Debra has been passionate about continually developing her art, seeing her complete qualifications in sports massage, Thai foot massage, hot stone massage, Indian head massage, Balinese massage, facial treatments, thermo-auricular therapy and Reiki levels 1 and 2. She has also completed courses covering back care, advanced aromatherapy, pain management, aromatherapy for specific conditions and making natural face care products. Her aim is to work in harmony with other modalities, to improve the young person’s experience of CAMHS and achieve positive mental health outcomes.
Debra will illustrate the journey a young person may experience throughout an episode of Aromatherapy intervention, drawing on qualitative feedback from children, young people and their families. Within this, she will take time to explain her approach, methods of engagement and techniques used with essential oils, to demonstrate how this sought-after service benefits young people in times of mental health need. Debra also explores the advantages of positive engagement with young people, using essential oils, smell memory association and introduces how inviting parents in to participate helps improve relationships and the effectiveness of aromatherapy beyond the treatment room. Debra will use case study to exemplify the process from assessment and planning individual care packages right through to the implementation and the evaluation phase.

Colleen Quinn
Master Blending Aromatherapeutic’s based on plant chemistry
Join Colleen for an informative lecture where she makes the aromatic chemical families approachable, the chemical components relatable and instil in you the confidence to master blend based on plant chemistry. Together you will explore the vast difference in chemical families, you will explore substituting essential oils based on their chemical profile and collectively you will blend plant chemistry for both physical and psychology benefit.
Colleen believes the secret to effective therapeutic plant medicine is through understanding our plant science and backing it up with research. As aromatherapists we have the wonderful opportunity to learn from some of the most informed and interesting plant workers, scientists and researchers in our plant world globally. It is our duty to utilize this learning to blend our essential oils and aromatic materials based on chemistry. When we combine essential oils with a defined therapeutic objective, and we focus on the chemistry, we can have a more profound effect on the bodies and minds we work with.
Colleen Quinn is a clinical aromatherapist, cosmetic formulator & researcher. Committed to delivering functional therapeutic plant-based products, Colleen has travelled the globe on a quest for knowledge innovation and the best quality ingredients from dedicated sustainable farmers in order to create therapeutic benefits in skin and health care. Colleen Quinn had 10 years’ experience in Complementary Therapy and Clinical Aromatherapy when she decided to create her own luxury aromatherapy brand, Lucy Annabella Organics. At this time, she needed to find a solution to the time consuming complex mathematical process of essential oil formulations. She embarked on the task of marrying aromatherapy and technology which lead to the creation of LabAroma, a revolutionary chemistry based plant blending tool.
Eight years later, Colleen continues to grow and develop LabAroma into the world’s leading Aromatherapy blending tool reaching the far corners of the globe with her software now launching in multiple languages.
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